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Monday, July 7, 2008

Addressing the Inexperience Gap

Everyone knows Sen. McCain’s attempt at the presidency is covered with obstacles left behind by President Bush. Everyone knows Sen. McCain’s worst issue is the economy — I mean, he told us as much! Yes, Sen. McCain has acknowledged his weaknesses and addressed how he will strengthen them.

Sen. Obama has neglected to do the same, instead attempting to camouflage his largest vulnerability as “change." The Illinois senator’s inexperience ranks among Democrats and Republicans alike as the most significant liability, according to a poll of Washington political insiders released by the National Journal this week.

Although Gen. Wesley Clark believes experience — in the military or otherwise — is virtually worthless, others may disagree. The recent poll revealed over 60 percent of well-connected (and well-heeled) Democrats believe their candidate’s inexperience is a serious problem — the top concern, mind you. The polling revealed another 30 percent of Democrats view his perceived elitism as a significant weakness. Characteristics such as inexperience with a perceived superiority complex historically produce candidates who don't know what they are doing and refuse to ask questions — a dangerous combination.

Now, Sen. McCain is plagued with President Bush’s unpopularity — something he has little control over. And although he tries to distance himself and point out their differences, the general populace associate the two because of the (R) behind their names. Still, other than the economy, the National Journal Insiders poll discovered that none of the issues Bush is perceived to have failed on are strict indictments against McCain. The Illinois senator faces different problems as his inexperience directly correlates with him and his potential leadership.

I know I’ve said this before, but inexperience gives no indication of what to expect. It gives no indication of how he may act in a management position. It gives no indication of how he will actually handle the economy or even if he will be able to. This comes as no surprise, but politicians continually talk the talk and Sen. Obama is giving little indication of whether he will walk the walk.

Sen. Obama continues to ignore that voters — and now the elite in his own party — recognize his inexperience as a vulnerability — possibly revealing his arrogance as well. As he continues to try to spin a lack of experience as change, he perpetuates the weight of the weakness. Sen. McCain has faced his liabilities head on, addressed them, and is letting the country decide. Sen. Obama is simply ignoring it, hoping the weakness goes unnoticed which is, frankly, another sign of inexperience.

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