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Friday, August 22, 2008

Moral Leadership

Last weekend Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) again displayed his inability to be decisive and clear in his viewpoints on where he stands with regard to moral issues.

The question on abortion seemed to stump Sen. Obama when being interviewed by the Rev. Rick Warren. With his indecisive and arrogant statement that the question of when life begins is above his paygrade, Sen. Obama displayed his ineptitude at making clear decisions and sticking by them.

As a candidate for President of the United States, Sen. Obama really needs to develop a consistent system of morals that he can publicly espouse without shame. Sen. Obama also mentioned that although there is a moral element to the issue of abortion, he himself is pro-choice. He further stated that he is not pro-abortion even though he believes that mothers should be allowed to have abortions.

This is worse than being indecisive, this is downright hypocrisy. It seems as though Sen. Obama is trying to take the middle ground on an issue where there is no middle ground. He needs to take a principled position and stop trying to leave room for flip-flopping.

It is time for this candidate for the most powerful office in the world to establish a clear system of beliefs. He needs to be courageous in his willingness to defend and hold to his beliefs without changing the subject or trying to discuss already agreed-upon issues. The president of the U.S. needs to have the courage to firmly stand up for his or her beliefs. This is what is called leadership.

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