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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Biden vs. Palin

Why is Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) getting a huge pass from the elite media and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) being ridiculed as the world watches?

While one has to acknowledge that the biased media has used her selection to weaken McCain's chances of capturing the White House, they certainly haven't succeeded in diminishing her qualifications, experience and good nature with everyday Americans.

The latest from Mr. Biden, suggesting that Barack Obama would face a "generated crisis" early on if he is elected, is only the beginning of his gaffes. Imagine how the media would have pounced on Palin for saying something so outrageous. What's even more pathetic is supposedly credible media giant NBC News refuses to air Biden's remarks.

Why are we continuously allowing the outrageously prejudiced and unashamedly biased media and Obama PR machine to manipulate us into believing that Biden, not Palin, is the best choice for vice president in this upcoming election?

If one closely examines Biden’s record and past predictions, the outcome would be downright frightening. The Democratic VP nominee’s solution for Iraq was to divide the country into four provinces so that each of the factions could have their own jurisdiction, rather than the united country that they have now. The reason he's known as the gaffe machine is because he puts his mouth in gear before putting his brain in gear. Is this really the kind of individual we want sitting in the Oval Office?

While Biden gets no scrutiny from the press, Palin is being lynched and hammered on the hour. Regardless of how you feel about the Alaska governor, can you honestly say that this is fair and balanced?

Even though Sarah Palin doesn't come from the elite (Harvard, Yale, Stanford) class, her background and values are those of middle-class and everyday Americans. Interestingly enough, that is a concept that is fairly new to us and it's difficult for the elite and non-elite class to digest. It's difficult for the elite class because they’ve always had control and difficult for non-elites because they've always accepted being ruled by an elite class that is clearly out of touch.

As I think about this more, it has been the elites who have and continue to destroy the world and its system of values and virtues. Unfortunately, people just don't adjust to change as well — as demonstrated by the fact that Obama, who is supposedly the change candidate, surrounds himself with the liberal elite establishment from the East and West coasts, whereas when McCain selected someone outside of that group, she is pilloried. Pilloried for not being the kind of person that the elite and the so-called intellectuals of this country feel she should be.

Go back and think about all the things that Biden has said that have been false and laughable and are being ignored in this campaign. Many people, including this pundit, are beginning to wonder out loud that maybe having Palin as vice president is not such a bad idea compared to what the country would be in store for with Biden.

Mayday! Mayday! Do your own examination of these candidates and draw your own conclusions. Just don't allow yourself to be horse-whipped by the media into believing who and what these candidates really are.

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