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Monday, May 5, 2008

Obama's and Reagan's Common Ground

Surprisingly, I have many friends and colleagues who see in Barack Obama shades of Ronald Reagan.
They reason thus: Reagan was much more conservative than the electorate thought, but he had such a felicitous way of expressing himself, the voters were beguiled. Once in office, he moved the country to the right. Similarly, Barack Obama is much more liberal than he appears, but he has such energy, intellect and eloquence, voters are beguiled. Once in office, he will move the country to the left. Some will celebrate that leftward tilt; others will just shrug and say that's the way politics works.
Obama will doubtless be nominated for the presidency and it is definitely possible that he will be elected. Although I would like to celebrate that achievement, the thought of it fills me with foreboding.
Many of the people who support Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) do so because they think his election will make it easier for America to regain the world's esteem. I have no doubt that world leaders will like Sen. Obama. If you define the world as Old Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain), Scandinavia and others of that ilk, they will love Sen. Obama. Why not? He is one of them. He will insist on political correctness, openness, tolerance, the equality of all cultures, and the right of all people not to be offended — except white people, of course. Political correctness does not protect them.
People say they want change and I believe they will get it. America will rush to join Europe's suicide pact and they will like us very well when we drink the Kool-Aid and die.

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