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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

X-Ray of Sen. Clinton's Soul

There is much you can psychologically analyze when you have direct access to the inner workings of one's soul. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-N.Y.) comment recently about Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s assassination giving her reason to stay in the race is a rare and candid revelation of a desperate and Machiavellian candidate.

Please consider the fact that the imaginative senator from New York did not envision the possibility of assassination for herself and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), only for the American black senator from Illinois.

This may not have been a mere coincidence. Deep down, could she have been attempting to activate a code or signal for some crazy maniac to take Sen. Barack Obama (D) out? With a license to make June the decisive month of the campaign, by murderous means if necessary, has Sen. Clinton essentially put a price on Obama's head?

Furthermore, when the New York senator informs us that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) has been weighing heavily on her mind recently, I beg of you to believe her. Yet you may be shocked to truly understand the nature of her thoughts about the ailing icon, and thus why they weigh so heavily. Is it possible that her bitterness over the endorsement of Sen. Obama has burdened Clinton with feelings of revenge and antipathy for the 76-year-old Massachusetts liberal icon? Is she staggered by the reality that Old Teddy won't be campaigning against her in the near future, and may not appear with Sen. Obama between now and the November election?

Isn't it fair game to suggest that the senator's comments towards Sen. Obama indicates that she's hopeful fate finally hands her the prize that she and her husband Bill feel they are entitled to receive?

Ahhhhh, those Clintons — just when you think they have scraped the gutter clean, they always find a way to dredge up yet more muck. She and her minions have attempted to excuse this latest foray into the depths as a mental error, made by an exhausted sexagenarian in the blinding fog of war; but this was no mental lapse at all. This was no morally ambiguous moment. What you have witnessed, ladies and gentlemen, are the inner workings of a dark and lost soul.

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