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Monday, September 29, 2008

What’s Left to Decide? An October Surprise, Maybe?

After watching the first presidential debate, it's becoming crystal-clear that no matter what, the majority of Republicans will always hail McCain the victor and Democrats who support Sen. Obama are emphatic that he has more intelligence and a grasp of the issues and that he won the debate quite handily.

It's becoming increasingly clear that none of us has any idea what the outcome will be on Election Day. You can listen to the pundits, so-called experts, and the camps of the candidates themselves and still, I believe, this is a razor’s-edge close race.

Advocates of Obama have no intention of voting for anyone but the senator from Illinois; McCain's supporters are equally steadfast. There has been a lot of hype over this election, with Obama potentially becoming the first American black president and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin potentially becoming the first female vice president. However, there's no doubt that the Palin fervor has worn off, and in this allegedly progressive country, many are finding it amusing that Palin is being attacked as being underqualified on the basis of her gender. What's even more shocking are the accusations that she's not a woman because she doesn't believe in abortion. Apparently, we are so progressive in this country that we presume to tell people how they should think based upon their outward appearance.

We must admit, though, that Palin's interviews of late have been less compelling and in some instances less than flattering. If she doesn't step up her substantive game in the upcoming vice presidential debate, it may completely blow up in their faces. As compelling as the first presidential debate was, the McCain camp has to be on the edge about what to expect from Palin in Tuesday's debate.

Due to the staunchness of the supporters, all of this additional campaigning is to sway undecided voters. Who in the world are these undecided voters? What on earth is left to decide? Do you actually think between now and November that these candidates are going to say something new and revolutionary?

What are you undecided voters waiting for? Are you trying to convince us that you haven't seen enough in the campaign, debates and other forums? I think most have decided and are unwilling publicly to admit it. If you're one of the so-called undecided voters, write and tell me: What are you hoping to see that is going to close this voting deal for you?

Please, anyone, what in God's name is left for any of these candidates to do that will swing you to their camp? Ooh, wow, there could be another October presidential election bombshell — we are always treated to one in the highly anticipated month of October — but will it be enough to affect the race and reveal a clear winner?

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