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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wise VP Choice

DENVER — Kudos to Barack Obama for making the best of his vice presidential selection; in choosing Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), Obama has chosen a running mate whose strengths complement Obama's weaknesses.

Obviously, Sen. Biden is an experienced politician, and is known for being a bareknuckle fighter on the issues. Obama has been criticized of late for being somewhat reluctant to fight back against blistering attacks from the McCain camp. Sen. Biden, if his past is any indication, will have no such reservations. This makes sense, because it allows Obama to go on looking presidential and staying above the fray, while having an attack dog at his side to go after the other side with a vengeance.

The other way in which Biden helps Obama is by deflecting criticism that Obama is an elitist and out of touch with the country. This will be especially helpful in the swing states, where Obama has had a tough time building support among working-class Americans.

Biden, although a Washington insider, nonetheless returned to his district in Delaware every day; unlike other senators, he did not use his position to enrich himself personally — he is said to be one of the five poorest senators. Biden is a true populist.

Sen. Biden also deflects the accusation that Obama lacks experience. Sen. Biden’s guidance and judgment may play well to undecided voters who find Obama’s age and inexperience somewhat unsettling.

Finally, and importantly, Obama did not cave in to pressure to pick Hilary Clinton; something that shows his toughness and independence. Given the cards he has been given, this was a hand well played.

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